Management: Carrie Chitsey, Co-Founder & CEO
Founded Year: 2015
Headquarters: Austin, TX
Description: Empowers healthcare organizations to have their own branded telehealth solution in minutes reaching today’s digital patients.
Empower and Save Lives
In a highly disrupted industry like healthcare, “empowerment” is one of the key success factors to build and sustain a healthy patient-provider relationship. It is, in fact, a necessity not only for patients but for the providers as well. With a passion to impact lives, Carrie Chitsey and her team transformed this very insight into a simple and affordable telehealth platform for healthcare providers to acquire and retain patients in today’s digital landscape. “One Touch Telehealth was created after seeing a need for convenient, simple, affordable, and reliable video patient interactions for practice groups, hospitals, and facilities. We’ve kept both the patient and physician experiences in mind, allowing 2-click simplicity for ease of use on both sides to connect,” says Carrie Chitsey, CEO, and Co-Founder of One Touch Telehealth.
Better Connect Made Possible
The team of One Touch Telehealth began their journey by developing mobile applications for video telehealth. “However, consumers (i.e. patients) do not want another mobile application on their phone for 2-3x/year usage,” recalls Carrie, “also, the Baby Boomer population is more comfortable on an internet browser. So we made a browser-only solution that could go right on the healthcare organizations’ website where patients are already at.” This allowed the patients to do a video visit in less than 20 seconds with no third-party downloads. With feedback from the physicians, the team then optimized their experience to 3 minutes or less training and them only learning 2 new clicks. “Providers were overwhelmed with EHRs and process, so we knew we had to ensure the physician experience was the best user experience for users.”
Today, their video telehealth platform also changes the lives of at-risk youth. It allows them to video with peers and/or adults using technology but still seeing an authentic relationship (human to human) on the other end. “You can’t replace that with a phone call,” adds Carrie.
Innovation and Affordability in One Plate
Often, facility-based solutions and technologies are affordable only for large hospitals. Also, the organizations that needed telehealth to serve patients at home cannot afford these solutions. “We are solving this by empowering healthcare organizations with their telehealth solutions that require no hardware, no software, starting at a few hundred dollars/month,” says Carrie.
“We’re also just at the start of real healthcare innovation with telehealth and remote monitoring. Those that will succeed will plug in innovation to solve existing patient and/or provider workflow issues to optimize efficiencies while enhancing both patient and physician experience.”
Being a risk-taker and an avid learner, Carrie has made it her life’s mission to help and save lives. She began her non-profit Humans Helping Humans to provide people, organizations, and other non-profits with the digital tools to impact and save lives in mental health and the opioid crisis. “The traditional hotlines and treatment models are broken. I’m passionate about changing the industry, helping impact our youth suicide rate, which is the second leading cause of deaths in the U.S.”
Carrie is also the host of the Top 50 Healthcare podcast show, Executive Innovation Show Podcast, where she interviews weekly leading healthcare innovators that are leading the charge in healthcare. “We do a ‘give back segment’ on mental health and addiction with amazing non-profits and influencers leading the charge to spread awareness, at the same time, break down walls to impact and save lives.”