Management: Nina Do President & COO; Brian Arellanes, CEO
Founded Year: 2006
Headquarters:San Rafael, CA
Description: Provides cybersecurity solutions that leverage enterprise investments and improve efficiency to meet stringent compliance standards
Data-centric Security at its Best
“It will add mindfulness to the way employees perform their jobs with a security first mentality,” says Brian Arellanes, Founder and CEO of ITSourceTEK, when asked about the role of cybersecurity in business transformation. As best known as a seasonal entrepreneur and a security leader, Arellanes believes in the importance of security training for every employee at every level to protect their respective companies from any possible breach. Moreover, “From a higher level, corporations must have the right processes, tools, and awareness to meet compliance requirements for the protection of their employee and customer data.”
Having an extensive experience in security supporting for large DoD secured facilities, Arellanes helped in building teams for the U.S. Navy to create software for top secret weather based war planning programs. Besides that he worked in leading financial companies where his teams won the highest level of customer satisfaction in bank history to that date. After serving in the National Security, he started ITSourceTEK to disrupt the security industry and give back to the community. ITSourceTEK is one of the first technology leaders to create and adopt a data-centric security approach and leverage Cloud to automate IT functions. “We take a unique approach to help companies securely protect their data and securely move their workloads to the Cloud.” Apart from securing data on endpoints, big data lakes, enterprise and custom applications, and systems, the company provides several encryption, masking, and tokenization technologies. “Our technologies can be selected to secure our client environments based on their compliance requirements. Additionally, we enable migrating our clients’ off-antiquated compliance systems that have costly 7 figure maintenance and even more costly customization.” Their GRC platform help automate everything all the way down to compliance reporting for various or multiple frameworks, which truly empowers companies and their compliance organizations.
Injecting AI into their sophisticated technology products, ITSourceTEK better understands and identifies what customer behaviors are normal and abnormal so they can flag or even prevent abnormal behavior from happening. “However, this will not stop all fraud as customers must also be vigilant in addressing fraud by monitoring their accounts and transactions, especially in financially related accounts. It is also important to verify the personal data is secure given the amount of sensitive data that has and will continue to be breached by using credit monitoring services,” states Arellanes. The company provides significant automation by consolidating tools and/or aggregating data from existing tools that cannot be replaced to give a powerful, yet singular view. Most of their security and GRC initiatives bring about immediate to fast ROIs due to this approach, while also significantly enhancing their clients security and compliance posture.
“We take a customer-first approach that looks to address the most challenging problem statements our customers are looking to solve,” notes Arellanes. “Most companies we work with are amazed at what we can do to help transform their organizations with an ROI and/or TCO focus to make the CIOs, CSOs, and CPOs happy, because they don’t just get their security or compliance needs addressed, they get a positive payback on their investment.” For instance, one of their clients that has billions of dollars in assets under management installed and configured ITSourceTEK’s enterprise platform that automatically detects anomalies in behavior to protect their clients from anomalies in their data access as well as employee actions that may be malicious or a result of stolen credentials. Upon implementation, the client data is now completely protected from breach given the sophistication of the system that was put in place along with other controls.
ITSourceTEK is now led by President and COO, Nina Do, who has 25+ years of experience and 12+ of those years at ITSourceTEK. “In addition to having my support, she also has support from our CIO, Walter Jones, that’s been with us for 5+ years and has 45+ years of experience primarily at Wells Fargo where he led 3,000 plus people in their Infrastructure and IT Operations. Additionally, our EVP, Matt Whitmarsh has been with us for 9+ years and has led teams greater than 500 people for massive government projects. Lastly, our VP of Operations, Jean Dubois, who has been with us nearly 5 years bringing decades of financial and process improvement experience to ITSourceTEK.”
Going forward, “we will continue to be a trailblazer in the cybersecurity and GRC market by partnering with the most stable cutting edge solutions on the market that fit our client’s unique requirements.” Being one of the first product resellers to be able to offer a wide range of security and GRC tools through the AWS marketplace, ITSourceTEK today aims to help their clients easily scale for enterprise and cloud based security/compliance.