In defense sector every minute is important, a delay of single minute can create big loses. Defense requires a technology which is efficient, prompt, and quick, just like its force. Like other business industries, defense is also heading towards the digital world with a growing digital data generation, storage, and also transmission. Data security in defense industry holds a critical level that weighs equal to security of the nation. The defense data are exchanged at several levels and this sensitive data being on a digital channel has a threat of cyber-attack. The US government has issued several cyber security regulations those are mend for the defense contractors in order to boost the security.
Role of cyber security in defense:
The main objective of cyber security is to protect information and data saved on digital networks and also to provide a safe channel for data propagation. Like other business sector, now most of the military operations are digitized and the information about their each activity is critical and confidential. Hence, defense sector demands a highly robust digital channel that can never be intruded by anyone. There are no such digital channel or network that can’t be intruded, but can be walled up for more privacy and security using cyber security that covers each and every loop hole present in the network and also provides a beforehand information about the malicious activities if detected at any stage of network. Cyber security makes the digital channels reliable for the most critical use too.
How cyber security is kept robust for defense and aerospace industry?
To ensure the robustness of cyber security there are various relations implied by the UUK ministry of defense, and the planning for further regulation implementation are still going on by the top organizations, such as Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) and more. As per the new protocols, the supplier of information need to be ensured that the information they are generating are adequately protected. In case any cyber activity is detected then they must report to the relevant authorities.